Teen Driver Safety Week/Announcement of Research Results: At a Health and Safety Fair for Monroe High students, the Auto Club will release a new teen crash analysis revealing the results of recent enhancements to California’s Graduated Driver Licensing law.
Visual elements: Safety Fair with Teen Car Fit, Fatal Vision Goggles and Safe Moves Rock Wall: Students will be “custom-fitted” in vehicles for safety and visibility; will use “fatal vision goggles” to demonstrate DUI impairment; and experience first-hand what it feels like to be in a 20-mph crash by climbing and then falling (using safety harness) from the Safe Moves rock wall. Dispatch Magazine safety festival offers music and educational materials to students.
Car crashes are the leading cause of death for teen-agers. The Auto Club, James Monroe High School, Dispatch Magazine and Safe Moves are partnering to show driver safety practices to teens during National Teen Driver Safety Week.
10:30 a.m. Monday, Oct. 20; National Teen Driver Safety Week is Oct. 19-25
James Monroe High School, 9222 Haskell Ave., North Hills, 91343-3115; High school is one block off the 405 Fwy. Event is at the softball field.
--Tom Jones, Assistant Principal James Monroe High School
-- Steven A. Bloch, PhD, senior researcher, Auto Club Traffic Safety
-- Pat Hines, Safe Moves