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SoCal Spring Break Poll: More Residents Will Travel

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Spring break for many Southern Californians will happen over the next couple of weeks, and local travel is making a comeback from last year, with more than half of Southland residents planning at least one getaway, according to the fifth annual Automobile Club of Southern California Spring Break Travel Poll.


Fifty-six percent of those polled said they are planning at least one leisure trip this spring – 9 percent higher than the 47 percent in 2013 and almost the same as the 57 percent who planned spring trips in 2012.


Not only are more Southern California residents traveling this spring than last year, more of them are planning multiple spring break trips, according to the poll. Sixty-three percent of those planning trips will take two or more spring getaways, compared to 38 percent in 2013 and 35 percent in 2012. Among those polled who plan to travel this spring, 24 percent will take three or more trips, compared to 12 percent in 2013.


“Spring break travel has increased this year as our members are feeling more confident about their personal economic situations,” said Filomena Andre, the Auto Club’s vice president for travel products and services.


A spring break trip was defined in the poll as a trip at least 50 miles away from home and requiring an overnight stay during March, April or May.


The top destinations for Southern California spring break travelers, according to the poll, are:


1) Las Vegas (36 percent of travelers)

2) Anaheim/Orange County (31 percent)

3) Palm Springs (28 percent)

4) Los Angeles/Hollywood (26 percent)

5) (tie) San Diego and Central Coast beach cities (24 percent)


Mexico is the top foreign destination for local travelers, with 16 percent planning to travel there this spring. Fifteen percent of travelers plan to visit at least one national park.


Andre advised those who will be traveling over spring break to budget for gasoline by using AAA’s Fuel Cost Calculator at The calculator will estimate fuel costs based on the traveler’s make and model of vehicle and the route they are traveling. Travelers can also shop online for the lowest gas prices in any area of the U.S. using the free AAA Mobile app for Android and iPhone, as well as the online version at


The 2014 Auto Club Spring Break poll was conducted from March 25 to April 4, 2014 and surveyed 531 Auto Club members. It has a margin of error of +/-4.2 percent.  

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The Automobile Club of Southern California is a member club affiliated with the American Automobile Association (AAA) national federation and serves members in the following California counties: Inyo, Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Mono, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Tulare, and Ventura.