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New All in One AAA Mobile App Gives Access to AAA Services to Help Keep Motorists "On the Go"

AAA’s newest app, AAA Mobile, bundles automotive services for motorists, such as mapping and gas price comparison, as well as member-exclusive benefits including roadside assistance and discounts. The new app available for iPhone and Android-compatible devices combines the AAA Discounts, TripTik® Mobile and Roadside apps into one app creating the perfect companion for any motorist. AAA Mobile delivers a complete mobile experience for members; centering around help at the roadside, travel plans and getting the latest discount at your favorite store with AAA’s Show Your Card and Save® program.
“AAA is growing and changing with our members by providing them with the latest ways to access all that their AAA membership provides,” says David Lang, the Automobile Club of Southern California’s Vice President of Automotive Services.  “The new AAA Mobile app will provide a convenient solution to those members looking to maximize membership benefits on the go.”
Available now for free in iTunes and Google Play app stores, the AAA Mobile app features include:
  • Road Service Request (app identifies location)
  • Nearby AAA member discounts
  • AAA Approved Auto Repair locator
  • Gas station locations and updated gas price information
  • Diamond Ratings for AAA Approved hotels and restaurants
  • Hotel booking capability powered by Travelocity
  • Listings for AAA Approved attractions and campgrounds
  • AAA branch locations
  • TripTik® travel planning with interactive maps and directions
  • Instant battery replacement quotes
  • Electric vehicle charging station locations
  • Join AAA
AAA Mobile is available to all mobile users with iPhone and Android handsets; however some services and benefits are only available to AAA members such as roadside assistance and discounts. The app was launched as an update to the current AAA Discounts app in the iTunes and Google Play (formerly Android Market) app stores.  Any user who has the AAA Discounts app downloaded on their phone should have been notified that an update was available.  When updated, the AAA Mobile app will replace AAA Discounts on their phone.  The current AAA Roadside and AAA TripTik Mobile apps will soon be updated to display a message that these apps have been replaced with AAA Mobile, download the new app, and delete AAA Roadside and AAA TripTik Mobile apps.
Smartphones with mobile applications are valuable tools before a vehicle is in motion; however, they greatly increase motorist distractions when used while driving.  Distracted driving can have deadly consequences.  AAA urges motorists to minimize distractions behind the wheel by not using wireless devices, such as cell phones with mobile applications, while driving.
CST 1016202-80 Copyright © Automobile Club of Southern California. All Rights Reserved.
The Automobile Club of Southern California is a member club affiliated with the American Automobile Association (AAA) national federation and serves members in the following California counties: Inyo, Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Mono, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Tulare, and Ventura.