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Just In Time For Holiday Weekend Fill-Ups, Gas Prices Drop

Woody surfboard
Photo copyright David D

As a near-record number of Southern Californians are gassing up for their Memorial Day weekend trips, it’s become easier to find station prices closer to $3.70 than $4.00, according to the Automobile Club of Southern California's Weekend Gas Watch. The retail state average is $3.791 a gallon for regular today, seven-tenths of one cent less than last week.


The average price of self-serve regular gasoline in the Los Angeles-Long Beach area is $3.977 per gallon, which is 2 cents less than last week, 75 cents more than last month, and 19 cents lower than last year. In San Diego, the average price is $3.95, which is four-tenths of a cent less than last week, 76 cents higher than last month, and 19 cents lower than last year. On the Central Coast, the average price is $3.893, seven-tenths of one cent less than last week, 70 cents higher than a month ago, and 29 cents less than last year. In the Inland Empire, the average per-gallon price is $3.915, up six-tenths of a cent from last week, 74 cents more than last month, and 22 cents less than last year.


“With 2.7 million Southland residents and 4.4 million statewide headed out this weekend – the highest Memorial Day traveler number since 2005 – it’s a small relief that supply issues seem to have been resolved and prices are retreating from $4 a gallon,” said Auto Club spokesman Jeffrey Spring. “Holiday drivers should be able to fill up for much less than $4 by shopping around in their area and also checking out averages along their route and at their destination to figure out the best places to buy gas. One source is the AAA app, which provides current gas prices near your location.”


Spring added that this week’s oil spill in Santa Barbara is not expected to change gas prices because of crude oil availability elsewhere.


The Weekend Gas Watch monitors the average price of gasoline. As of 9 a.m. on May 21, averages are: 






Record Price

Los Angeles – Long Beach


   -2.0 cents  

    $4.705 (10/9/12)





Orange County


-2.3 cents

   $4.690 (10/8/12)





San Diego


   -0.4 cent

   $4.725 (10/8/12)





Santa Barbara – Santa Maria – Lompoc


    -0.7 cent

   $4.709 (6/21/08)





Riverside – San Bernardino


 +0.6 cent

   $4.688 (10/8/12)







 -2.4 cents

   $4.689 (10/7/12)







+4.3 cents

   $4.648 (10/9/12)

CST 1016202-80 Copyright © Automobile Club of Southern California. All Rights Reserved.
The Automobile Club of Southern California is a member club affiliated with the American Automobile Association (AAA) national federation and serves members in the following California counties: Inyo, Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Mono, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Tulare, and Ventura.