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Holiday Shopping at the Mall? Keep Your Vehicle Keys Handy

The holiday season is when the Automobile Club of Southern California receives the most requests for help from rushed shoppers who have locked themselves out of their vehicle, according to roadside assistance statistics compiled by the Auto Club, the region’s largest provider of roadside help.
In December 2011, the Auto Club answered 75,201 calls for help from members at shopping malls, retail centers, grocery stores and other locations, or about nine percent of all lockout calls for the same time period.  When comparing different months, the December 2011 lockout call volume is nearly 17 percent higher than September 2011. Overall, lockout calls made up about 16 percent of all roadside assistance calls for last year.
The top three busiest days in 2011 for lockout services:
  1. Dec. 16 ……………………………………………..2,783 calls
  2. Dec. 9……………………………………….……....2,677 calls
  3. Dec. 23……………………………………….……. 2,625 calls
Total:    8,085 calls
"Since more than half of Southern California households have an Auto Club member living there, this issue really pertains to all shoppers,” said David Lang, vice president of Automotive Services.  “The number of opportunities to forget car keys in vehicle ignitions or trunks where packages and gifts are stored seems to increase as harried shoppers get caught up in the rush of the season.” 
Lang says motorists can avoid being locked out of their vehicles this holiday season by: 
  • Never leaving car keys inside the vehicle’s passenger compartment in order to do something else like help a passenger or a child.
  • Staying focused. Don’t become distracted while driving or getting in or out of your vehicle.
  • Creating the habit of exiting your vehicle with your car keys in hand and using the key fob security system to lock doors.  
  • Trying not to speed or rush while driving, parking or walking into or out of shopping centers.  
  • Putting keys in your pocket or purse when stowing or unloading packages in your trunk.
  • Taking a moment when exiting a vehicle or before closing the car trunk lid to be sure you have your car keys in your hand, pocket or purse.
CST 1016202-80 Copyright © Automobile Club of Southern California. All Rights Reserved.
The Automobile Club of Southern California is a member club affiliated with the American Automobile Association (AAA) national federation and serves members in the following California counties: Inyo, Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Mono, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Tulare, and Ventura.