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Auto Club Video Contest for Teens Aims to Reduce Distracted Driving

(LOS ANGELES, Sept. 26, 2011) – New AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety research shows the need for more direct peer-to-peer communication about safe driving to reduce crashes among teen drivers, so the Automobile Club of Southern California is launching a teen video contest with a $2,500 prize for the winner.
The Auto Club is asking teens to produce a 60-second public service announcement that will effectively capture teens’ attention and provide them with valuable information about how to be better drivers and avoid distracted driving behaviors, such as texting while driving.
Videos will be judged on how uniquely and effectively they communicate the idea behind the message: “Don’t tempt fate. That text can wait.”
The top five entries received in the contest will be posted on in early 2012 and the $2,500 winner will be determined by public vote.
“All fatal traffic crashes are tragic, but those involving teens are particularly devastating to communities and families because of their young victims and also because a young driver is likely to have been at fault in the crash,” said Anita Lorz, the Auto Club’s traffic safety and community programs manager. “As parents and teachers, we do all we can to try to prevent teen crashes, but often the most effective way to change a teen’s behavior is for him or her to hear the message from a friend or other teen.”
AAA Foundation research shows that teens are most likely to absorb safety messages and improve their driving habits if the messages show the tragic consequences of distracted driving behaviors such as texting.
The Auto Club’s Teen Video Contest is open to anyone currently in high school in Southern California. Contest entries will be accepted beginning Oct. 1 and must be submitted on DVD to: Auto Club Teen Video Contest, Attn:  Public Affairs, 3333 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, CA, 92626. Entries must be received by Dec. 31 to be eligible for consideration.
A panel of teens and traffic safety experts from law enforcement, education and the Auto Club will judge the entries and select the top five.
For more information on the contest, visit Additional resources for parents, teen drivers, and soon-to-be teen drivers are available at
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The Automobile Club of Southern California is a member club affiliated with the American Automobile Association (AAA) national federation and serves members in the following California counties: Inyo, Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Mono, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Tulare, and Ventura.