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Auto Club: SoCal Gas Prices Back Off Slightly From Records

Gas Station Clouds Yuya Sekiguchi
Photo by Yuya Sekiguchi yuyasekiguchi licenses/by/4.0/ legalcode

Gas prices reversed course very slightly in the last couple of days throughout Southern California after setting new daily price records all this month and signs are pointing to steeper declines ahead, according to the Auto Club’s Weekend Gas Watch. The average price for self-serve regular gasoline in California is $6.43, which is three cents higher than last week and a penny below the all-time record of $6.44 set on Tuesday. The average national price is $5.01, which is four cents higher than a week ago and also a penny below the record price on Tuesday.

The average price of self-serve regular gasoline in the Los Angeles-Long Beach area is $6.45 per gallon, which is three cents higher than last week, 42 cents higher than last month, and $2.20 higher than last year. In San Diego, the average price is $6.37, which is four cents higher than last week, 41 cents higher than last month, and $2.15 higher than last year.

On the Central Coast, the average price is $6.36, which is four cents higher than last week, 41 cents higher than last month and is $2.14 higher than last year. In Riverside, the average per-gallon price is $6.32, which is four cents higher than last week, 40 cents higher than last month and $2.15 higher than a year ago. In Bakersfield, the $6.37 average price is five cents more than last Thursday, 46 cents higher than last month and $2.24 higher than a year ago today.

"A very volatile week for the U.S. economy and a slight downturn in consumer demand reported by the EIA, which is likely due to record high prices, have caused a plunge of nearly 60 cents on the Los Angeles wholesale gasoline market this past week," said Auto Club spokesperson Doug Shupe. "Hopefully that decline will soon be reflected in price reductions at the pump."

With almost all local gas stations charging more than $6 a gallon for regular unleaded, gas thefts have continued to victimize Southern California drivers and the resulting damage to gas tanks can cost $1,000 or more to fix. The Auto Club recommends the following tips to avoid becoming a gas theft victim:

  • Park in the garage at your home if you have one.
  • When out in public, park in a well-lit area with high traffic. If possible, park in a secure location like a fenced-in lot or parking garage.
  • When parking in a garage, find a spot near the exit or elevator as those have the most visibility and foot traffic

The Weekend Gas Watch monitors the average price of gasoline. As of 9 a.m. on June 16, averages are:

June 16


Media Contacts

Doug Shupe
(512) 659-1632

Marie Montgomery
(714) 885-2320

CST 1016202-80 Copyright © Automobile Club of Southern California. All Rights Reserved.
The Automobile Club of Southern California is a member club affiliated with the American Automobile Association (AAA) national federation and serves members in the following California counties: Inyo, Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Mono, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Tulare, and Ventura.