Gas prices in Southern California took a pause this week from their steady rise throughout most of the summer, but the break may not last, according to the Automobile Club of Southern California's Weekend Gas Watch. Today's retail statewide average is $3.19 a gallon for regular unleaded, unchanged from last week.
The average price of self-serve regular gasoline in the Los Angeles-Long Beach area is $3.19 per gallon, which is the same as last week, seven cents higher than a month ago, and 42 cents lower than last year. In San Diego, the average price is $3.20, which is also the same as last Thursday, six cents more than last month, and 42 cents lower than last year.
On the Central Coast, the average price is $3.21, which is the same as last week, seven cents higher than last month, and 48 cents lower than last year. In Riverside, the average per-gallon price is $3.14, which is unchanged from last week, six cents higher than last month, and 39 cents lower than last year. In Bakersfield, the $3.12 average price is one cent higher than last week, five cents higher than last month, and 61 cents lower than a year ago today.
“This morning, Oil Price Information Service reported that refiners were buying excess supply on the spot market, indicating a possible production shortfall,” said Auto Club spokesman Jeffrey Spring. “If that trend holds for the next few days, we can expect pump prices to start rising again.”
The Weekend Gas Watch monitors the average price of gasoline. As of 9 a.m. on Aug. 13, averages are: