Because spring weather is here, Earth Day is Monday and National Bike Month is in May, more Southern Californians will be using their bicycles for fun, exercise and transportation. The Automobile Club of Southern California is reminding drivers and cyclists about tips to stay safe on the road.
“Many crashes occur because motorists and bicyclists fail to give each other enough space on shared roads,” said Steve Finnegan, the Auto Club’s government and community affairs manager. “That’s why the Auto Club is currently supporting a bill in the California Legislature calling for a three-foot passing distance when possible as motorists pass cyclists.”
Here are a few safety tips for drivers around cyclists:
- Check for bicycles when opening your car door and when turning right.
- When passing a cyclist, slow down and give plenty of space – at least three feet when possible, and more if traveling at highway speeds.
- Always signal your turns.
- Remember, bicyclists may need extra room to move left when approaching road hazards, and may legally occupy a lane that’s too narrow for safe passing.
- Obey all traffic laws and posted signs.
Here are some safety tips for cyclists traveling near drivers:
- Ride as far to the right as practicable (safe and reasonable), but stay at least three feet away from parked cars to avoid the “door zone.”
- Don’t hug the pavement edge where debris, loose gravel, or rough road surface might cause you to swerve into traffic.
- Always check over your shoulder and signal your intentions, even when just changing position in a lane.
- Ride on the street – not the sidewalk – and in the direction of traffic.
- Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.
- Obey all traffic laws and posted signs.
For more information and tips on bicycle safety and maintenance, visit, which provides a guide to safe bicycling in California. And for more information on great bicycle rides to take in Southern California, visit this Westways article.