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Auto Club: Gas Prices Pause As Rain Dampens Demand

driving in rain

California’s heavy rainstorms have revealed another silver lining besides easing the drought: this week they slowed the seasonal upward climb for gas prices, according to the Automobile Club of Southern California's Weekend Gas Watch. The retail statewide average is $3.27 a gallon for regular unleaded, which is one penny higher than last week.
The average price of self-serve regular gasoline in the Los Angeles-Long Beach area is $3.33 per gallon, which is one cent higher than last week, three cents higher than last month, and 10 cents lower than last year. In San Diego, the average price is $3.28, which is unchanged from last Thursday, one cent higher than last month, and 12 cents lower than this time last year. On the Central Coast, the average price is $3.35, which is two cents higher than last week, two cents higher than last month, and three cents lower than last year. In Riverside, the average per-gallon price is $3.23, which is one cent higher than last week, four cents higher than last month, and 14 cents lower than last year. In San Bernardino, the $3.27 average price is one penny higher than last week, three cents higher than last month, and 12 cents lower than a year ago today.

“Oil industry analysts say rain and unusually cold weather in California has depressed gasoline demand, and at the same time we have seen an easing of supply worries caused by a Jan. 31 lightning strike-related power outage at the Shell El Segundo refinery,” said Auto Club spokesman Jeffrey Spring. “Refineries are now producing the more expensive summer blend of gasoline so prices are not likely to drop much, but they are mostly holding steady and drivers are paying about 10 cents less per gallon than on this date last year.”

The Weekend Gas Watch monitors the average price of gasoline. As of 9 a.m. on Feb. 14, averages are:



1-week change

Record Price

Los Angeles – Long Beach


 +1 cent

 $4.70 (10/9/12)





Orange County


 No change

 $4.69 (10/8/12)





San Diego


 No change

 $4.72 (10/8/12)





Santa Barbara – Santa Maria –Lompoc


 +2 cents

 $4.70 (6/21/08)




 +1 cent

$4.68 (10/8/12)





San Bernardino


 +1 cent

 $4.68 (10/8/12)







 +1 cent

 $4.68 (10/7/12)







 -1 cent

 $4.64 (10/9/12)

Media Contacts

Marie Montgomery
(714) 885-2320

Doug Shupe
(512) 659-1632

CST 1016202-80 Copyright © Automobile Club of Southern California. All Rights Reserved.
The Automobile Club of Southern California is a member club affiliated with the American Automobile Association (AAA) national federation and serves members in the following California counties: Inyo, Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Mono, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Tulare, and Ventura.