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Auto Club: Back On The Road, But Safer?

AAA Survey Finds Driving Habits Stabilizing Since Pandemic But Warns of Safety Issues For Older Cars


The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety released its 2023 American Driving Survey, providing insights into U.S. daily driving trends after the initial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The latest survey reveals that overall driving patterns have rebounded from the depths of the pandemic.


  • Travel patterns in the U.S. have stabilized after pandemic disruptions.
  • Most Americans (95.3%) drove at least occasionally in 2023.
  • Drivers averaged 2.43 daily trips, spending 60.7 minutes and traveling 29.1 miles daily.
  • Projecting nationwide, drivers made 229 billion driving trips and spent 95 billion hours driving, totaling 2.7 TRILLION miles in 2023. (Planet Neptune is only 2.7 BILLION miles away)
  • Newer vehicles are used more for longer trips and greater distances.
  • Hispanic/Latino drivers had the highest driving durations and miles compared to all other ethnic groups in 2023.
  • Most daily drives were to run errands.

Stable Driving Patterns 

The percentage of Americans who drove at least occasionally remained steady at 95.3% compared to 2022. Driving trips averaged slightly less than 2.5 per day, with a duration of just over an hour and nearly 30 miles. These figures continue the trends observed in the past two years. Most driving trips in 2023 were undertaken to run errands (31.1%) while commuting to and from work comprised 22.5% of driving trips. Most trips began between either 11 am–2:59 pm (26.1%) or 3–6:59 pm (27.6%). Very few driving trips began between 3–6:59 am (6.7%) and 11 pm–2:59 am (4.5%).

Variations by Demographics

The survey highlights some demographic differences. People living in metropolitan areas and those with higher education levels tend to drive newer vehicles. Conversely, teenagers and those with lower education are more likely to drive older vehicles. Several emerging driving patterns that appeared after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 continued in 2023. Drivers with a high school education or GED drove more miles than those with a bachelor’s degree.  Like pre-pandemic data, men spent substantially more time driving daily than women did in 2023.

Safety Concerns with Older Vehicles 

The increased use of newer vehicles for longer trips is positive as they typically come equipped with advanced safety features. However, the survey raises concerns as nearly 40% of trips involve vehicles older than ten years.  These vehicles often lack modern safety features and may be in poorer mechanical condition, potentially contributing to a higher risk of crashes. Those living in the Midwest, West, and South were likelier to drive older vehicles than those in the Northeast. Teenagers and those with lower education are more likely to drive older vehicles. Additionally, respondents who were divorced or separated and those who were never married were more likely to drive older vehicles than those who were married.

About the AAA Foundation

Established in 1947 by AAA, the Foundation for Traffic Safety is a nonprofit, publicly funded 501(c)(3) charitable research and educational organization. The AAA Foundation’s mission is to prevent traffic deaths and injuries by researching their causes and by educating the public about strategies to prevent crashes and reduce injuries when they do occur. This research informs the development of educational materials for drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, and other road users.

About AAA 

Started in 1902 by automotive enthusiasts who wanted to chart a path for better roads in America and advocate for safe mobility, AAA has transformed into one of North America’s largest membership organizations. Today, AAA delivers exceptional roadside assistance, helps travelers plan their dream vacations and adventures, offers exclusive member discounts and benefits, and provides trusted financial and insurance services – all to enhance the life journey of our 64+ million members across North America, including over 57+ million in the United States. To learn more about all AAA offers or become a member, visit 

Media Contacts

Doug Shupe
(512) 659-1632

Anlleyn Venegas
Public Affairs Specialist. English/Spanish Language Media Spokesperson
(619) 565-4556

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The Automobile Club of Southern California is a member club affiliated with the American Automobile Association (AAA) national federation and serves members in the following California counties: Inyo, Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Mono, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Tulare, and Ventura.