(LOS ANGELES, Aug. 6, 2008) -To help motorists, bicyclists and young pedestrians stay safe and aware as 56 million children nationwide return to the classrooms later this month and next and to improve all around traffic safety, the Automobile Club of Southern California is distributing hundreds of back to school safety newsletters, posters and bumper stickers to schools, law enforcement agencies and AAA-Approved Auto Repair facilities as part of its 75th annual "School's Open-Drive Carefully" campaign.
National figures indicate that traffic collisions are the number one cause of death and injury for youngsters less than 15 years of age. And this year in response to higher fuel costs, more school districts are reducing or eliminating bus transportation for students, shifting more driving to parents. At the same time, more bicyclists and motorcyclists are on the roadway in an effort to save gasoline, creating a challenging safety environment for all, according to the Auto Club.
"Traffic congestion in school parking lots and streets near campuses increases after school's in session and increases hazards children face while walking to and from school or waiting at bus stops," said the Auto Club's Anita Lorz, community relations and traffic safety team lead. "Drivers must watch for children walking or riding a bike and reduce speeds in school zones."
One-fifth of all children 14 years of age and younger who die in motor vehicle crashes are pedestrians, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. These pedestrian fatalities are more likely to happen in the afternoon hours, when school is letting out.
To help protect children, the Auto Club urges motorists to follow these safety tips:
- Drive slowly in and around school and residential areas. Pay extra attention near schools during the morning and afternoon hours.
- Obey school zone speed limit signs and come to a complete stop at all intersections.
- Always stop for school buses that are loading, or unloading students.
- Drive with headlights on so children and other drivers can see you.
- Drive without distractions. Don't use cell phones, eat, apply make up, or shave.
- Scan between parked cars as children could dart into the street near school zones, playgrounds, bus stops and in neighborhoods.
Pedestrian injury is the second leading cause of injury-related death in the United States for children ages 5 to 15, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. More than 33,500 children were treated in emergency rooms for pedestrian-related injuries in 2005.
Pedestrians should remember the following safety tips:
- Children under age 10 should not cross the street alone.
- Cross only at corners so drivers can see you.
- Always use a crosswalk when available. But remember that painted lines can't stop cars.
- Cross only on the new green light, so you have time to cross safely.
- Use the intersection walk/don't walk push-button. Cross with the "walk" sign only.
- Look all ways before crossing, watching for cars that are turning.
- Never cross the street from between cars. Drivers can't see you.
- If sidewalks are not provided, walk on left side of road, facing traffic, to see oncoming cars.
- Use a flashlight or wear or carry something retro-reflective at night to help drivers see you.
Bicycle riders should practice the following safety tips:
- Keep your bicycle in good mechanical condition.
- Obey all traffic rules and signs.
- Walk your bike across busy intersections.
- Be sure the road is clear before entering.
- Always ride single file and watch for opening car doors.
- Use the safest route to your destination. Avoid busy streets and intersections.
- Don't carry passengers.
- For safety, all riders should wear a helmet.
For everyone:
- Leave a little earlier so you're not rushed as you travel to work or school.
For more information or to obtain safety materials, please call Teri Bloom, 714-885-2300 or 800-541-5552.