The average price of self-serve regular gasoline in the Los Angeles-Long Beach area is $3.914, which is 1.8 cents more than last week, 13 cents higher than last month, and 45 cents above last year. In San Diego, the price is $3.965, which is 2.7 cents higher than last week’s price, 15 cents above last month, and 48 cents higher than last year. On the Central Coast, the average price is $4.033, up 1.7 cents from last week, 13 cents above last month, and 42 cents more than last year. In the Inland Empire, the average price is $3.935, 3 cents over last week, up 14 cents from last month, and 46 cents higher than last year.
“This week, Alaska became the first to post a statewide gas price average above $4, with Connecticut close behind and California within a nickel of the $4 statewide average,” said Auto Club spokesperson Jeffrey Spring. “Oil industry analysts point to continued spikes in crude oil prices, which have enormously increased the cost of producing gasoline, as the cause of this continued price surge.”
The Weekend Gas Watch monitors the average price of gasoline as of 12:01 a.m., May 16:
Area Regular One-week change Record Price $3.914 + 1.8 cents $3.914 (5/15/08) $3.886 + 1.3 cents $3.886 (5/15/08) $3.965 + 2.7 cents $3.965 (5/15/08) $4.033 + 1.7 cents $4.044 (5/12/08) $3.935 + 3.0 cents $3.935 (5/15/08) $3.959 + 6.4 cents $3.959 (5/15/08) $3.687 + 5.0 cents $3.687 (5/15/08)