News Releases

Showing 251 — 260 of 2824 Items

SoCal Gas Prices Accelerate Higher

SoCal Gas Prices Accelerate Higher

Gas Prices

Southern California gas prices continue to move upward, with some regions seeing price increases of three cents, a departure from the penny-per-week increases that have been more typical of the past few weeks, according to the Auto Club’s Weekend Gas...

Pandemic Prompts More Americans To Consider Travel Insurance

Pandemic Prompts More Americans To Consider Travel Insurance


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on Americans’ travel plans. How they plan—and protect—those trips has also changed. According to a recent AAA Travel survey, more than half (55%) of American adults are planning a vacation of at least one...

Auto Club: Gas Prices Inch Up Over the Week

Gas Prices

Gas prices continued to climb in most Southern California regions, but may see a pause in coming days due to falling oil prices and increased cases of COVID-19 that may dampen driving, according to the Auto Club’s Weekend Gas Watch.  The average price...

Showing 251 — 260 of 2824 Items