Travel, Navigation, Road Service On Easy-To-Use Application of Select GPS-Enabled Phones
(LOS ANGELES, Aug. 16, 2007) — AAA’s well-known travel information, mapping expertise and road service is now available on select-GPS-enabled mobile phones on a newly launched service called AAA Mobile, the AAA and the Automobile Club of Southern California announced this week.
The service provides to AAA members and the public audible, turn-by-turn directions as well as information such as Diamond Ratings for hotels and restaurants and points of interest found in AAA’s famous TourBook guides. Roadside assistance will be available only to AAA members when with a touch of a button the phone sends a member’s GPS location to AAA and connects the user with AAA for quick and reliable roadside assistance.
AAA Mobile is available as a downloaded application to subscribers with select GPS-enabled phones for $9.99 per month. (Additional voice or data useage fees may apply and will vary by carrier and wireless service plan.) More information, including phones with AAA Mobile capability, is available at
AAA Mobile is powered by the Aliso Viejo, Calif.,-based Networks in Motion™ location-based services platform and is available for download directly from select GPS-enabled wireless phones. It also has a dedicated AAA Mobile support line at 1-800-646-7552.
“For an affordable cost, AAA Mobile provides the convenience of obtaining information on demand using a cell phone that most people always carry with them,” said the Auto Club’s Vice President Marketing & Product Mgmt. Suzanne Wisdom. “This technology represents a breakthrough in content, convenience, and cost for millions of wireless phone users that want mobile access to AAA services. In addition, participating AAA members will now have the added capability to send their GPS location to AAA when they require roadside assistance.”
AAA Mobile’s main menu provides users with the option to:
- Search for AAA reviewed points of interest from AAA’s travel-tested TourBook guides, Show Your Card & Save merchants, AAA Approved Auto Repair facilities, and AAA district offices, as well as ATMs, gas stations, theaters and other businesses.
- Navigate to a destination in the United States using turn-by-turn directions with audible prompts and automatic rerouting if users miss a turn; and
- View maps of selected locations and store destinations for quick recall.
Subscribers can search by category, such as hotel or restaurant, for the closest locations or those that match all or part of a business name. AAA Mobile users also can view a map of their current location, another address, an intersection, airport, or a bookmarked or recently used location. Pan and zoom functions allow users to scroll to a place on the map, search for a nearby business, or request a route to that location.