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Frustated by High Gas Prices?Auto Club Offers a Way to Save up to 5 Percent at the Pump

(LOS ANGELES, Oct. 10, 2005) — The long-discussed $3-a-gallon prices are now a reality at many Southern California gas stations. But drivers can save up to 5 percent when they pay at the pump for their unleaded or diesel gas with the AAA Visa® available from the Automobile Club of Southern California.

"With gas prices that are almost one-third higher than they were at this time last year, Southern Californians are seeking out bargain gas stations and other ways to cut down their commuting bills," said Michael Johnson, the Auto Club's senior vice president of marketing products and services.

"Using the AAA Visa® is a good way for drivers to save money, particularly during this period of record gas prices," Johnson added. "When many commuters are paying between $60 and $100 to fill up their tanks, a 5 percent savings can be significant."

To obtain the full 5 percent rebate on gasoline, AAA Visa® card holders must make $1.50 in non-gas purchases on the card for every $1 they charge in gasoline during each monthly billing period. If card users don't make that level of non-gasoline purchases during a billing cycle, their gasoline rebate will range between 2 to 5 percent depending on their spending.

"It's easy for many people to make sure they receive the full rebate amount on gas from the AAA credit card, if they use the card for everyday purchases like groceries that they would normally pay for with cash or a check," Johnson said.

Rebates will appear as a credit on the cardholder's monthly statement. To qualify for the rebate, gas purchases must be made by swiping the AAA credit card at the pump.

There is no annual fee for the AAA Visa® card, which is available only to Auto Club and AAA members. The card offers a competitive fixed interest rate of as low as 7.9 percent for qualified applicants, with a 2.9 percent introductory interest rate for balance transfers and cash advance checks. For more information on the Auto Club gas rebate program, go to

The Automobile Club of Southern California, the largest affiliate of the AAA, has been serving members since 1900. Today, the Auto Club's members benefit by roadside assistance, insurance products and services, travel agency, financial products, automotive pricing, buying and financing programs, automotive testing and analysis, trip planning services and highway and transportation safety programs. Information about these products and services is available on the Auto Club's Web site at


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The Automobile Club of Southern California is a member club affiliated with the American Automobile Association (AAA) national federation and serves members in the following California counties: Inyo, Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Mono, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Tulare, and Ventura.